15+ Slithering Snake Memes for Reptilian Fans

Snakes are one of those critters that seem to have a reputation that is unfair. Sure, plenty of their species are dangerous — but so are some kinds of domesticated dog, and they get much more of a pass just because they’re furry and have legs. Also, the average amateur corn snake owner is not exactly dancing with death.

Perhaps it takes a certain type of person to consider our slithering reptilian friends as cute, but there seem to be plenty of us out there. That’s what the amount of memes about them seems to say, anyway. For a creature that lacks advanced facial muscles, it is surprisingly good at displaying a range of emotions in funny internet pictures. That alone is worth a couple of minutes of scrolling. 

Whether you’re a snake fan or a snake skeptic, these memes have a chance of scratching that reptilian itch that you perhaps didn’t know you had. What are you waiting for?

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