16-year-old graciously cooks his family’s nightly dinner, stops when his dad and siblings incessantly criticize his meals: ‘Too spicy, wanted rice instead of noodles, didn’t want soup’

There are some household duties that typically constitute a kid’s chores; cleaning your room, taking out the trash, and doing the dishes are chores kids of any age can do. Cooking dinner every night for your entire family is typically not one of them, but that was a chore assigned to a 16-year-old boy with a passion for cooking. He started by cooking meals for himself, but his family insisted he was wasting food by making meals for one. Instead of thanking him incessantly for taking time out of his busy afterschool schedule to make the family a hot meal, they repaid him by complaining about nearly every meal he made. He even made a meal plan to remedy this, but nothing seemed to help. It’s not even that he’s a bad cook; his ungrateful dad and siblings are just woefully unsatisfied with what he’s making, with no compromise in sight. 

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