19 Wholesome Memes of an ‘Organized Chaos’ Kind of Love for Anyone Dating a Partner with ADHD

Remember when boomers and Gen X would say ADHD wasn’t real? Or that if you think you have ADHD, just do «mindful exercises» to get you to focus? Well, us millennials and Gen Z sure showed them! No longer do we hide our ADHD diagnosis like a dark secret. We have embraced it and are now working hard to figure out the best way to work with it instead rather than against it. Us neurodivergents put the spicy in ~neurospicy~. It’s all about balance, right? Just like in a relationship. You want to find balance between each other’s wants and needs. This can be a little more complicated when you’re working with something like ADHD. It’s not just about it being hard to focus, it’s about wanting to do 1,000 things, which your brain responds to by making your body respond the way you don’t want it to—like lay down on the couch for hours or do anything but what you want to do. But when you have a partner who loves you for everything you are and will help work with you through your ADHD, well… It’s beautiful. These memes are for you, you organized chaos love birds!

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