20+ British Memes From Across the Pond

When it comes to the great big English language meme machine, there is no denying that the good ol’ U S of A has a monopoly. More often than not the funny trends and pictures we consume have some flavor of the land of the free. It makes it easy to forget that there are whole other English speaking countries out there with a sense of humor of their own.

As we might expect, one of the largest alternative voices is that of the UK. The Bri’ish hold their own when it comes to putting out their own brand of internet humor (and being teased by their neighbors across the Atlantic). Memes that deal with the UK might be a bit different from what much of meme culture is used to, but there is plenty of entertainment to be had. At least enough for this list of British memes, and there’s plenty more where that came from.

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