20+ Demented Garage Sale Finds That Must Have a Backstory

For many items, buying secondhand is a good idea. It’s better for the planet, your wallet, and your superiority complex when you tell people how you got a bargain on that fancy piece of furniture

However, there’s no denying that thrifting, garage sales, and online marketplaces are not without their eccentricities. The heat of a bartering war is never pretty, and have you seen some of the stuff that people try to sell? Some of it is truly crazy. 

These things have to be seen to be believed, which is exactly what the examples below are here to deliver. Somebody, somewhere once wanted these random pieces of junk in their possession, and the stories behind them must be captivating. I’m sure that with enough perseverance, they’ll go to another great and possibly odd home that will appreciate them almost as much as we are going to appreciate them in the here and now.

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