20+ Funniest IKEA Memes for People Obsessed With $6 Swedish Meatballs and Disassembled Furniture

IKEA is just the adult version of Disneyland, prove us wrong. For folks who want an aesthetic home on a budget, some corners need to be cut to be able to afford the lavish looks of Scandinavian designs without the huge price tag. For most, that means assembling your own furniture with a janky alan wrench, wordless instructions, and a bad attitude brewing on the horizon. Well, that of course is if you find the dang FLÄRDFULL that you’re looking for in the infinite maze of IKEA-dom. A rite of passage for avid IKEA shoppers is to get so completely bamboozled under the fluorescent lights and meandering aisles that you get so lost that you spend 5x as much time running your errands than expected. It’s like when you were 4 years old and got lost in Target, yelling and screaming for your mommy, except in the adult version, you’re carrying a monstrous tarp tote bag, you’ve eaten 10 kilos of meatballs, and mommy’s not coming to save you.

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