20+ Funniest Parenting Memes of the Week for Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Parent (November 25, 2023)

Welcome moms, dads, and legal guardians and congrats on making it through the family Thanksgiving dinner level of this year. What a rush! Now it’s strictly Santa stuff and then on to the new year. Wow! Every year feels like it’s gonna be a slow one, but then the holidays are here before you know it and it’s like the year went by in a blink. Especially if you’re parents! Your kids are just growing faster than you can say gobble gobble! Thanksgiving is just the start of the holiday season and then the new year. So it all feels very… well, bitter sweet. Let’s meme about it and let of some steam, don’tcha think? Gotta keep your sanity together for the kiddos! (And for yourself!)

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