20+ New England Memes For Northeastern Residents of the OG United States

New England has got one up on the rest of the United States for one reason and one reason only: they’ve been around for way longer. I’m from Texas, a place that was part of Mexico and its own country before becoming our nation’s 28th state. Those of us from the Central Standard Time Zone were not a part of the founding of America at all! Well, I guess technically, none of us were a part of it because we weren’t alive in the 1700s, but my point still stands! 

Even though the historical landmarks are cool, New England is much more than what we learned in class. It also has more Dunkin Donuts per square mile than any other region!  It’s one of the coldest places in the country, and it has the raddest accents. If you’re a New England resident who craves some regional humor, these New England memes will have you screaming,»  «Go, Pat, Go!»» 

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