20+ Programming Memes for Computer Code Obsessives (July 9, 2023)

Happy Sunday, programming wizards! We’re back this weekend, once again, to provide you with the best and brightest programming memes. Perfect timing, right?

How much has ChatGPT affected your life as a programmer? Has it alleviated the stress of programming all on your own? Has it been a hindrance because it’s not exactly optimal? Are you staying far, far away from it? Programmers and tech-obsessed individuals probably have a better read on artificial intelligence than your average Joe. Either way, there is no denying the rapid, sometimes fearsome advancement of AI technology. Massive media companies have already taken to using it on their properties, i.e. the new Marvel series «Secret Wars.» We’ll see how good these programs can get with some time. I’m eagerly and fearfully awaiting.

In the meantime, why don’t we take a look at what you came here for? We’ve got a few bytes worth of memes for you guys. Rest your typing fingers and take a look at what we got!

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