20+ Santa Claus Memes for True Believers Putting Up Their Stocking on December 24th

Meme makers have made a lot of different enemies over the years, but by far the most Christmassy have to be the so-called Santa Deniers. A few years back, some intrepid memers ended up taking aim at all those cynical human beings who decide the ultimate purveyor of presents and festive cheer isn’t actually real. Who are they to deny our sense of childlike wonder? They’ll be rueing the day they gave up on theirs when they wake up to coal in their stocking. 

I know it can be hard to keep the faith, especially since that day you found your parents’ stash of wrapping paper when you were seven. Still, memes are here to make a real effort to rekindle that. He knows whether we’ve been naughty or nice this year, and we’re about to see the results in a couple of days. Fingers crossed you got a place on the right list.

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