20+ Witty Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Who Are Parenting the Best They Can Parent (August 26, 2023)

Parenting is already hard enough, lets not make it harder. We’re here, with memes, to make all the moms, dads, and guardians out there feel a little lighter. Have some LOLs, you’ve earned it! You’re a parent for life no matter what and you’re buckled up for a ride that you can never anticipate. You can try to plan ahead, and you most definitely do, but something always ends up throwing a wrench somewhere in those spokes and, baby, it’s usually because of the baby. Having kids isn’t for everybody, and that’s fine. But for folks out there already rearing one or more tiny humans, we applaud you. You are doing great. Who cares what your annoying aunt says or your entitled know-it-all mother-in-law, you are doing your very best and that’s all you can strive for as a parent. So take a break, mama y papa. Scroll some memes and love your baby!

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