21 Funniest Parenting Memes of the Week for Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Parent Right Now (December 9, 2023)

It’s the holiday season, and we know, if you have one or more little mini mes to take care of, it’s a stressful time. This isn’t the time of relaxing and merriment like the books make it out to be. «No one was stirring, not even a mouse»—HA! That is a straight up lie. Everybody in the house is stirring during the holidays. EVEN THE MICE. Probably. The little kids are definitely up and rambunctious and not dreaming about sugar plum ferries or whatever. But that’s ok! You have loved ones, friends, and family to support you during this whirlwind of a time. And when it’s all over and you look back on it, you only remember the good parts—isn’t that funny? In the meantime, what’s funny in the moment are only the memes. So scroll on below, ma and pa, and know that your kids are grateful for all you do during this time! 

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