24 Mystical Woodland Creature Memes for Fairy Funny Cottage-Core Jokesters

It’s camping season and that means you might come across some mystical woodland creatures. Some you have to be cautious about, like bears and wolves, while others are more cautious of you, like bunny rabbits and frogs. Some don’t really care about you at all, like opossums and raccoons—but that’s probably because those are the kinds of critters that like to venture into the city too. Well, we love them all! Call us mommy nature, because we take care of our woodland creature memes. That’s right—we’ve gathered memes that only Mother nature lovers would love. If you ever had the dream to be able to call woodland creatures to your side like a Disney princess, then you will appreciate these memes. Because, seriously, Disney really brought our hopes up about that. All we want to do is to be able to hang out in a cottage in the woods with a bunch of birds, bunnies, bears, deers, frogs, and other woodland creatures. Is that really so much to ask for?? We guess these fairy funny woodland memes below will have to suffice. 

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