24 Wild PC and Gaming Setups That Only True Gamers Will Understand

If there is one factor that unites all the most dedicated gamers in the world, it’s that they will stop at almost nothing to make sure they can play their favorite titles. With PC gamers, this often involves putting their rig through the ringer. It doesn’t matter if the thing is forever threatening to overheat, crashing every five minutes, or simply seems to be held together with string. They are going to spend hours upon hours lost in video games regardless.

We have to admit that sometimes, the solutions that are found to making an ailing computer sort of work for these purposes can be incredibly creative. As a result, we have no choice but celebrate a selection of these below. These setups are hardly passing any safety checks, but hey—if it works, it works. It takes a certain kind of finely tuned mind to believe in computers like these. 

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