25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (April 28, 2024)

We’ve all made a typo every now and then. A little slip of the keyboard happens to the best of us. It probably happened to the best writers of history. We don’t think of Earnest Hemingway ever accidentally typing «hte» instead of «the» but he most definitely did. He just had editors who made sure we never saw him slip. 

And in the days before computers, I’m sure it was even more common. You didn’t have the ability to backspace with ease so you had to either be really careful or do multiple drafts. Thank goodness we have autocorrect now. I’ve made at least 5 typos as I’ve been writing this. But these design fails go beyond a regular workaday typo. They’ve transcended into the realm of hilarious mistakes that somebody really should have seen coming. But luckily for us, they didn’t. Because now we get to laugh at their failures. 

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