25+ Boomer Facebook Fails That Are as Funny as They Are Concerning

Over its history as a website, Facebook has somehow gone from a fun place to keep up with your friends, post albums of photos, and see what bands your crush likes to a scary minefield full of ads, outraged citizens, and of course, boomers. Everyone has an aunt who somehow has thousands of Facebook friends, posts every day about insignificant events, and keeps tagging you in photos you did not approve of. It’s just par for the course on Zuckerberg’s internet. But an equally true archetype is the technologically… non-advanced Facebook user. They don’t know how they got here, they don’t know how to use it, and they might embarrass themselves in the process. 

A Twitter user recently exposed a Facebook group that was chock full of these kinds of gaffs. And yes, they made us laugh, but they also gave us a bit of pause. Worried for some of these folks. 

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