25+ Funniest Parenting Memes of the Week for Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Parent Nowadays (January 20, 2024)

It’s mommy and daddy’s «doom scroll memes» time, kiddos. So we really need you to go to sleep. You have a full glass of water already, so no getting up to get more. Okay? (You will be seeing that child walk into the living room all sleepy-eyed in an hour, tops.) Hey! Maybe you were a little blurry on the specifics of becoming a parent, but you knew what you were getting yourself into. You know you were preparing for pure chaos and quickly developing the ability to change plans at any second. It’s just how parenting rolls and you’re doing a great job. Every parent has their own style, and as long as they are loving, it’s the right style! And every loving parent deserves some time to themselves, some time to decompress, and maybe even LOL a big? Like doom scrolling through some relatable parenting memes you send to your fellow parent friends? Yeah, that’s the stuff. 

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