25 Memes Free of Charge

One of the things I can’t stand about living in New York is how expensive everything is. Sure, I don’t have to pay for gas or lease a car, but I sometimes have to pay $2.50 for a 20 oz bottle of Diet Coke, and frankly, that’s unacceptable to me. I remember the first night I went out to a bar in Brooklyn. I ordered a Vodka Redbull (my drink of choice when I was 22), and they charged me $19 (including tip) for it. I’m sorry, but in no world is a Vodka Redbull worth that much money. 

Life is expensive outside of the beverage world here, too, which is why I’m always looking for cheap, fun things to do. Sometimes, the intersection of «fun» and «free» is difficult to locate, so I resort to playing on my computer. If you are in the same boat, I hope these fun, free memes are appealing to you. They sure are to me! 

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