25 Memes to Make Time Fly by When You’re at the Airport Three Hours Early

You never know what to expect when you get to the airport, especially if it’s one you’re not used to. One minute, you could be breezing through security, and the next minute, you’re stuck in a queue long enough to make you question the meaning of life. I remember one time I was flying out of a large airport, and the line for security was so long that I thought I’d missed my flight. I was sweating bullets and frantically checking the time while the TSA agent looked at me like I was a lost puppy. Eventually, I made it through and had to sprint to my gate. I made it, fortunately, but not before losing a few hairs and a year off my life. But then there are those other times when you arrive at the airport hours early, expecting the worst, and end up with enough time to catch a movie, grab lunch, and take a nap. It’s like the airport workers just like to keep you on your toes. I guess the moral of the story is to expect the unexpected when catching a flight. And if you’re lucky enough to breeze through security, here are some memes to keep you entertained before they call your boarding group. 

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