25 of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (May 8, 2024)

Every gamer needs their gamer fuel. For some, it’s the classic Doritos/ Mountain Dew combo. For others, it’s the more bourgeois combination of iced coffee and cubed cheese. And for a special few, it’s pure adrenaline that makes the time fly. A good game will invite you into a time loop and keep you there for a while. Gaming makes time pass in mysterious ways. 

The best of us can lose a couple of hours, or heaven forbid a couple of days, to a good game. You’re immersed in another world and have temporarily left your own. No, I’m not in my pajamas in bed in my room on Earth, I am deep in the tunnels of the Mario-verse, and my name is Luigi, thank you very much. But these gaming memes remind us that there is community in this hobby, not just hours and hours sacrificed to a few game developers. 

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