25+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 8, 2024)

Remember when you were in grade school and you had to bring a Valentine’s card for everyone in your class? I remember picking them out so carefully, giving my friends the best ones, and taping little pieces of candy to the inside, fretting over which gel pens I would use. It was the best. And then you’d get to look at all the ones you received at the end of the day and see what everyone wrote for you. 

I think we need that for parents. All the kids can get together and make all the parents Valentine’s cards with nice, encouraging messages about how we’re doing. I think we need it more. The trouble is, who would buy them the cards? It’s a flawed system. Anyway, I hope this Valentine’s Day you’re full of love and candy. Even if it’s just the leftovers from your kid’s cards. Still candy. 

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