25 People Share Childhood Fibs That They Believed into Adulthood

We’ve all heard some little fibs growing up, you know, like Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and such. But have you ever been taken in by a whopper of a lie that you clung to even in your grown-up years? Well, someone on Reddit decided to investigate, and the responses are a riot!

The thread got bombarded with stories about these bizarre childhood legends that practically everyone seemed to buy into. Take, for instance, the classic idea that you could dig a hole to China. Remember that one? Or how about the myth that if you touched a baby animal, its mama would disown it? Turns out that’s just some made-up stuff. Who’d have thought? One Reddit user, aged 31, said this thread just blew his mind.

The stories are not only captivating but also downright hilarious. So, keep on scrolling and enjoy what these 25 Redditors shared about their wild childhood beliefs.

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