25 Totally Non-Political Trump Mugshot Memes to Enjoy at the Family Cookout

It’s not every day that America gets to feast their eyes on the mugshot of a former president. Regardless of how you feel about The Donald, you gotta admit that Trump’s mugshot belongs in the celebrity mugshot Hall of Fame between Lindsay Lohan, Bill Gates, and the ‘Hot Felon’ (iykyk). Since the release of his mugshot a couple days ago, the Internet has had a field day, turning this police record into a cultural icon to sell shirts, mugs, other grifting merch, and of course, to commemorate the former President Trump in the form of memes. So if you’d like to enjoy the most neutral and non-political Trump mugshot memes that we found on the web, keep scrolling for some Orange Man funnies that the whole family can enjoy (REALLY). Donkeys and Elephants unite over the mutual love of objective humor and the hardest mugshot to ever circulate the world. 

For more, check out some of the best Twitter reactions to the mugshot’s release!

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