27 Procrastination Memes That Will Definitely Get to It Later

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t procrastinate. And if I have, I’m pretty sure they’re a robot in deep disguise. It’s one of the most human impulses we have. Nobody likes doing hard things, so they’d rather leave them for the future, which in our little rat brains, probably doesn’t exist, because we’ve never been there. I’ve never met future me, I’ve always been present me, so I assume future me will have capabilities that present me does not. Like the ability to make a dentist appointment. Yeah, that’s not for present me to deal with. 

There are many forms of procrastination: procrati-working (working on another project to avoid a current one), procrasti-cleaning (cleaning the whole apartment before you can send an email), and the dreaded procrasti-rotting (rotting in bed because you’re paralyzed by self-doubt and anxiety). But no matter which one you’re doing, it ends with the same result. You’ve avoided something until the last minute. These memes are for all types of procrastinators. Scroll these first, then get to work later. 

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