28 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (October 8, 2023)

After spending a solid 48 -72 hours with family, most people need a break. You’re at your limit of being openly roasted by your parents, your aunt is at your mom’s throat, and your siblings ate all of your leftovers. We love them to the moon and back, but family can be downright exhausting. Although it’s always a good test of our patience, compassion, and empathy, family gatherings remind us why we only do this a few times a year. Maybe next time you can be prepared for when your little cousins and nephews swarm your ankles asking if your phone has any games. And perhaps next time you’ll be more chill when your grandma tells you to stand up straight and start getting more serious about getting married. They may be tedious to spend time with, but at least family will always love you no matter what. They’ve seen you through your dirt-baggiest dirt-bag phases and they’re still here, so I guess we love them back. Until the next reunion… 

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