29 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (April 28, 2024)

Kids are always bummed when their parents split up, but what if we framed it differently? Instead of thinking your parents are no longer in love, imagine that maybe someday you’ll be awarded two families instead of just one. You might have jaunty step-brothers who are your best friend and you’ll multiply the number of favorite cousins on the roster. Not only that, but you have two family homes to visit for the holidays! So while it’s sad to imagine a family broken apart, once it’s healed, there’s a possibility of something far more complex, interesting, and wholehearted: A double family. 

So shoutout to all of my ‘broken’ families out there, while it may not always seem picture perfect, your lot will always love you back simply because you are related–and family isn’t always just the bloodline you were dealt, sometimes they’re the homies you picked up along the way. Scroll onward to enjoy this month’s wholesomely relatable family memes! 

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