29 Memes That Keep On Keepin’ On

We all have days when we’re on autopilot. We’re sailing through the tasks of our lives without much awareness or hoopla. You’re making all the turns, you’re stopping at all the red lights, but once you get to your destination you don’t remember getting there. Our brains start to tune out the stimuli we’re used to, and everything feels like a haze

I’ve been trying hard to break out of autopilot recently. It can be a difficult task if you have a routine and you’re sticking to it, a 9 to 5, a commute. But I’m trying to remind myself to be present, to feel the sensations that are happening right now, and to try to enjoy the moment for exactly what it is. These memes may or may not remind you to be present. If they don’t, they’re good cruise control buddies for your glazed-over state

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