30+ Customers Reveal Why They’re Swearing Off These Businesses Forever

Have you ever been going about your day normally, decided to stop by some random place for a quick errand, only to get totally screwed over and swear you’ll never set foot there again? What about a customer service call gone south that made you slam down the phone and close all of your accounts? If these scenarios don’t resonate with you, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

When OP took to Reddit to ask, «How did a business permanently lose you as a customer?» the answers came flying in. Apparently, a lot of people have beef with companies. Whether it’s a mom & pop shop or a big corporation, these ex-customers do not discriminate. In fact, they’re still so angry about it that they’re venting to this Reddit thread.

And believe it or not, a lot of people have beef with the SAME companies. Ouch. We’ve rounded up the top-rated rants below. Do yourself a solid and give this thread a quick read so you don’t stumble into the same sketchy situations. 

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