30+ Dark Humored Climate Memes for a Warm Winter’s Day

Welcome to 2024! The planet is dying and we even have a cute little (devastating) Christmas jingle about it now trending on TikTok. Haha Isn’t like bright! Like so bright that it’s melting the ice caps. Anyways, let us present you with some memes, just a little, as a treat. Remember, these are just memes, not a scientific presentation, so remember to laugh and not come at us in all caps. It’s called dark humor, the ability to laugh at your pain—if you don’t have that ability, then we do not suggest scrolling on. If you do, however, then go ahead and scroll down to let these meme relieve (or fan) your climate change anxiety. But remember, it isn’t too too late yet! We just need to make much more drastic measures as a whole (cough the corporations need to stop being the main reason for pollution cough) and we can maybe salvage humanity yet. I mean, the ozone layer is allegedly healing itself more and more each year… That’s something, right? Anyways… Memes!

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