30+ Mediocre Memes for the Average Pleb

Don’t you feel bad for people with no sense of humor? How boring life must be for them. On the other hand, maybe it makes life simpler. Instead of getting distracted by funny image macros, hilarious videos, and silly comedy, humorless people probably get all kinds of work done. It’s probably why dudes like Mark Zuckerberg are zillionaires—that guy doesn’t have a funny bone in his body. Why waste time laughing when you could be grinding and hustling? Nahh, who am I kidding? A life without laughter would be no life at all. I’d rather be dirt broke than incapable of having a good hearty chuckle. If you’re on the same wavelength, then boy oh boy, have we got the memes for you. They say laughter is the best medicine, but don’t quote me on that—I’m not a doctor. All I know is that laughing makes me feel a lot better, and that’s enough for me. 

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