30 Memes That Empower With Humor

Confidence is a fragile thing. Much as it would be great if we could all have a stable, developed sense of self-worth, most people just didn’t have those kinds of childhoods. It leaves many of the population in the annoying predicament of having to learn to love themselves. Ew! Gross. A lot of us have to keep working on this for the rest of our lives as well. Even worse. 

Both building up confidence and ignoring the fact that you need to do so can really take it out of a person. There’s no easy way out, but there is a lot of easy distraction. Memes are more than happy to provide that, as they are about to do yet again in the examples below. You never know, maybe one of them will provide just the right uplifting message, or contain some kind of code word that automatically makes you feel good. 

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