30 Memes That Refresh And Relax

We all are in need of some time to recuperiate. That can look like so many different things for different people, and whatever it is for you, I definitely encourage it. This last weekend, my self-care looked like rotting in bed half the afternoon watching Ordinary People on my iPad. Sure, that might not have been as relaxing as a bubble bath or doing an hour of yoga, but at least now I know what the Best Picture winner from 1980 was all about. Now I’m fully aware why Timothy Hutton got that Best Supporting Actor award fair and square. Because I watched that movie, I know that rich people have problems too! I am grateful I was not exhausted on Monday because I didn’t run around like a chicken with my head cut off all of Sunday. If memes are your way of relaxing after a hard day at work, you’ve come to the right place

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