30+ Memes That Rise To The Ocassion

Not all memes work well under pressure. Some of them crumble when any high standard is thrust upon them, completely cracking under the weight of expectations. Some memes will coast along under any circumstance, perpetually playing it safe, often leading to middling results. 

These memes aren’t like those other memes. They rise above any limitations put on them. They hear other memes saying, «Hey, there is no way you’re both hilarious and random! You’re not a well-curated list of memes, tweets, and Tumblr posts alike bound to make even the most jaded viewer chuckle!» These memes don’t listen to what those haters say because they know what they are and what they are capable of achieving. They will entertain and charm the people of the internet until their final dying breath. If you believe all of this hogwash I am spinning, these hilarious and well-regarded memes will make you laugh.

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