30+ Memes That Serve as a Welcome Distraction

This time of the year is not really about getting work done. Quite the opposite. We all want to get some well-deserved distraction in before the new year begins. I don’t know about you all, but I always feel like I need to be on my A-game in January. I might as well try to make the new year more productive and focused than every other year before it, whether or not it’s sustainable through the other 11 months. If that’s going to happen, I need to screw around as much as I possibly can in the days preceding 2024, and you should too! It’s the least we all deserve. 

There is no shortage of distracting things to do before January 1st. There are 10 million movies playing right now and just as many TV shows to binge. For my money, I would recommend scrolling through some random memes instead. They’re fun and free! What could be more distracting than that?

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