30+ Memes That Won’t Abandon You Like Your Ex Did

There’s not much we can count on in this world. A friend and I were talking the other night (after copious amounts of wine) and she revealed the staggering number of married men that boldly slide into her dms as though they’re single and ready to mingle. I revealed how many people had lied to me in the past few years, and the duplicitous nature of some misguided friendships with self-absorbed people. It was not a happy conversation. Despite all these breaches of trust and revealing facts about some moral-deprived humans, there are a few constants that we return to when it feels like there’s nothing left. The most dependable constants would have to be our pets. They don’t get fickle with their love or decide they’re leaving you for another woman. And then, of course, there’s memes. Memes are super accessible. As long as you have an internet connection (or a phone of screenshots), you can take refuge in their easily consumed humor. So if you’re feeling jaded or betrayed by the world, go pet a dog. And look at memes. It will probably help. 

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