30+ Memes To Entertain And Distract

I think I speak for all of us when I say that there’s something irresistibly fun about media consumption. Sure, it should not be your only hobby, but it helps to distract you from the monotony of your daily life and brings you into another world. It can totally open you up to different perspectives from your own. Imagine how boring life would be if you never read a book, watched a movie, or followed someone on social media who was totally different from you. I’m not here to say that engaging with and analyzing media makes you a better person (someone tried to say that in a collegiate English class of mine, and it baffled me how many people agreed), but it can certainly make you think more and be happier. If you don’t have the time to read a novel or watch a movie, I hope these funny memes will suffice for your daily dose of media consumption

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