30 Memes To Fill Up Your Free Time

It’s sad to look around and see just how little free time we have for ourselves. So many of our precious moments spent on this earth are occupied by working or taking care of ourselves, and those aren’t particularly fun activities. If you were to make a pie chart that shows the time you spend sleeping, working, and having fun, the having fun slice would be paltry at best and nearly invisible at worst. I’m not saying this to be a doomer. Quite the opposite, actually. I think it’s our duty as living human beings to squeeze as much fun out of life as possible. We should be listening to podcasts that make us laugh out loud while we’re in line for the pharmacy. We should be whistling a happy tune while walking from our cars to our office. Most especially, we should be scrolling through lists of funny memes while hiding from our bosses in the bathroom. 

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