30+ Memes To Top Off The Long Weekend

Happy MLK day, everybody! Well, perhaps not everybody, but I’m sure many of my fellow Americans are having a wonderful day off work. For lots of us, this is our last extra day off until literally Memorial Day, so we’ve got to savor it as much as possible. Personally, it feels a little soon after Christmas and New Year’s to have a day off, but I am not complaining. 

As a kid, I looked forward to MLK weekend every year. Not because I was a good person but because I was incredibly competitive and would attend a theatre competition every year on this very weekend. If you’re imagining what a theatre competition for children looks like, know that it’s all you imagine it is times a million. No matter how you’re spending this national holiday, I hope you have a second to enjoy some funny memes while it dwindles down. 

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