30+ Military Memes For Veterans and Active Duty Military Alike

There’s a big difference between the idea of the military that recruiters like to sell and actually being in it. Recruiters are so good at sweet-talking teenagers and convincing them that this is the only way to have a prosperous future if college is too expensive. So much of being in the military is doing seemingly pointless tasks to satisfy the whims of an uber-serious superior. It doesn’t always feel like you’re doing an essential duty that serves a noble and righteous cause. It can feel like grunt work, and even if it does serve as a helpful stepping stone, it’s not always ideal. 

If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that you won’t understand the military until you’ve been in it. These military memes are for soldiers, sailors, marines, and everyone else in between, whether they’ve been out of the military for years or they’re in the thick of it. 

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