30+ of the Best Harry Potter Memes of the Week (March 27, 2024)

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts: I’m not going to lie, I lowkey wish I had gone there. I know it’s gauche to wistfully fantasize about attending a Wizard boarding school well into your twenties, but I can’t help it! No fictional school is more appealing than Hogwarts, so forgive me if it takes me a little too long to get over the fact that I went to an American public school that wasn’t even a Harry Potter American AU.

One of the only things that would make me nervous about attending Hogwarts (besides the constant danger) would be that I would totally peak in high school. I can’t even blame Harry for peaking in high school because his «peak» was literally defeating the dark lord. You won’t get any better than that in Wizard adulthood, so why not embrace it? If you wish you could’ve won the Inter-House Quidditch cup, these Harry Potter memes might resound.  

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