30 Random Memes for Predictable People

So, you think you’re unique? Special? Have a certain twinkle in your eye that endears you to anyone who you’ve ever been close to? Wrong, wrong, and wrong. You’re made of the same meat and electricity as the rest of us, and you have the same stupid instincts and herd mentality. Here’s the proof: the fact that so many of us relate to such a wide range of memes. Wow, we say! So funny, and so true! These deserve all my attention and my likes, for capturing this tiny part of the human condition so accurately. And guess what? Up and down the country, and all across the world, there are people doing the exact same thing. We aren’t wild cards, we’re boring old products of our genetics and environment. Memes just reflect this back to us in a way that is less painful than the small talk we have to make with that boring co-worker, or least favorite aunt. Enjoy, normie. 

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