30+ Relatable Food Delivery Memes For All the Couch Potatoes Out There

Ordering food right from your couch might be the height of luxury. It may be the definition of treating yourself. Nothing feels more like we live in the future than using a phone to demand someone to get your meal and bring it to your front door–sometimes without even making eye contact with the delivery person. If that’s not some Black Mirror, Sci-Fi, Dystopian stuff then I don’t know what is! Everyone partakes though, so there’s no shame in having a stranger deliver you Taco Bell at 3 in the morning. We’ve all been there. Having hand-delivered food is sometimes the only thing that will make you feel better, and that’s totally fair.

So if you enjoy eating in or have been a delivery driver yourself, then keep scrolling for some relatable and funny memes about the food delivery world. These might even have you reaching for your phone–UberEats is on speed dial, isn’t it.

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