30 Teacher Memes for Educators Enjoying Summer Break But Dreading the First Day of School

I don’t want to alarm any educators who are here for some escapist memes about their profession. If you don’t wish to discuss the brisk nature of the summer holiday, you can scroll right past this. For those of you who are similarly freaking out about how quickly the summer is going by, hello. I am so sorry that you have to return to the hellscape that is school in a few short weeks. Some people don’t think teachers deserve to have their summers off, but I think teachers deserve even more time off than they already have. They should be paid the exact amount they’re paid during the school year in the summer just for staying in this godforsaken industry. More teachers are leaving the profession every year, and if you’re sticking around, your district is diddly darn lucky to have you. Take a break from having an existential crisis about the 2023-2024 school year and enjoy some teacher memes

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