32 Memes That Put On a Show

More so than more substantial forms of entertainment, memes are in an endless competition to capture our attention. One by one, they take up so little of our time and energy that they’ve really got to go big to be truly memorable. 

There are a few ways they can do this; one of the most consistently successful is relatability, hitting us where it hurts, or where we achieve that crucial moment of recognition. Getting weird with it can also be a successful strategy, if it’s witty enough (or if they’re playing to the right audience).

Ultimately, the most important thing all memes do is that they put on a performance of some sort that makes us take notice of them. It doesn’t have to be a very good one, just loud and colorful enough that we register it temporarily. The memes in this list are no exception. Enjoy their attempts to make you nose exhale. 

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