33 Family Memes That Won’t Steal the Remote

Remember the days of cable television? You couldn’t rewind live television so if you missed a second of your favorite TV show, you actually MISSED it. Because of this, the ultimate torture your sibling could inflict would be to hijack the TV remote and change the channel as soon as the commercials are over. 

Sibling cruelty was born in front of the television.

I used to think this was just something that happened in my household, but as it turns out, every family has tiffs over the remote. Families aren’t so different across the globe after all. We all have a favorite cousin, a drunk uncle, an out-of-touch grandparent, and TV remote that’s just as likely to change the household vibes as it is to ruin them. And although we may have the same experiences, your family is your own and nobody can take them from you. They’ll always be your blood relatives– through thick and thin, good and bad. 

So go show your sibling some love with the family memes that are guaranteed to make them smile.

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