33 Memes For a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep, as we know, is perhaps the most important factor in a person’s health. If you don’t get good sleep, you’re gonna pay for it sooner or later. Of course, it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep these days, what with the constant blue light and doom scrolling, not to mention that cold brew I had a 4 pm because I really needed it, okay? I miss the days when I was a kid and could sleep until 3 pm completely uninterrupted. Sure, I’d wake up feeling like a zombie but it also felt awesome. 

My ideal nighttime routine is taking a nice, hot bath, doing all my silly skincare steps, and reading a few pages of a good book before drifting off into dreamland. And maybe I’d pregame all of that with this nice little meme list. Up to you. 

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