33 Memes That Are Ol’ Reliable

While memes can push the boundaries in many different ways, it’s not their one and only job. They are also here to comfort, distract, and just generally take our mind off all the seriousness in the world. When we make time to look at memes, it’s not dissimilar to cracking a beer or other relaxing beverage while settling down in our favorite chair. It’s a form of me time.

This gives meme makers and distributors a conundrum. They want them to surprise, but not be overly surprising. They are entertaining but not in a way that is likely to disturb, but at the same time a little dark humor now and then is warmly welcomed. The only thing we can rely on is that they will always be unreliable, and there is something pleasing in that. We can only hope that the images below fit the bill when it comes to your amusement.

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