33 Michelin-Starred Food Memes For Your Refined Palate

I’m the first one to admit that I don’t have the most refined palate regarding food. I love trash food, and I love quality food just the same. The only difference is that one is more affordable than the other, so I tend to favor it. Even so, I could easily cook better than I do now, but I just don’t want to. I am a woman on the go, and if I can function eating mediocre turkey burgers a couple of times a week, then I don’t see the problem. 

There is a balance you have to maintain when you eat like a garbage person. If you eat snack foods and carbs for every meal for a week, you will end the week feeling pretty rotten. Much like you need a variety of memes in your daily life, you also need all of those food groups from that food pyramid that we children of the Bush administration remember so well. If you haven’t eaten any quality food today, why not supplant your diet with some quality food memes

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