34 Memes That Are All Fun and Games

While it’s true that memes can deal with the serious topics, we usually don’t turn to them when we want our mood to be brought down. No, their most important purpose is to entertain, distract, and encourage us to procrastinate, and that is something we should never lose sight of. This doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing if they become complex, or ponder things deeper than the surface-level interactions and issues that we get faced with. However, it is essential that they do this in a way that makes it enjoyable (even in a kind of masochistic way). Some may criticize them for always taking the lighthearted approach, but this can be a great advantage when approaching both humor and life. Maybe nothing matters, at least not in a bad way. That’s what the memes seem to be telling us, and I’m inclined to believe in their fountain of infinite wisdom.

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