34 Memes to Pull Up a Chair For

Although memes might be a community thing, they can often feel like a solitary practice. They ultimately thrive from us taking all that ‘me time’ to sit and silently scroll on our phones by ourselves. Sure, we occasionally send different memes to our loved ones, or nudge the person next to us to get their reaction in real time. Still, most of the meme viewing process is just about ourselves.

That’s not always a bad thing. Many people don’t get a lot of time to just enjoy their own company, and the fact that memes can give an outlet for this is just another one of their great points. At the same time, maybe we should make an effort to try and be more social with them. Let them bring us together, like having a cozy night in and watching something on Netflix. Annoy your friends and family with more memes, they deserve it. 

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